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9:30-10:45AM Get TogetherMIFC Village
11:00AM-12:30PM Keynote of the special guest: Margaret Bodde
Margaret Bodde, Executive Director, The Film Foundation
Interviewer : Gérald DuchaussoyScreening room Le Karbone
12:45PM Opening networking lunchRestaurant Marguerite
Editorial singularity, transversality of activities: assets for the market?
Speakers: Dennis Doros, Co-founder, Vice-President, Milestone Film & Video / President, Association of Moving Image Archivists ■ Amy Heller, co-founder, President, Milestone Film & Video ■ Pip Chodorov, Founder and Director, RE:VOIR ■ Gaël Teicher, Founder and Director, La Traverse ■ Nils Bouaziz, CEO, Potemkine films
Moderator: Alice Leroy, lecturer - researcher and film criticScreening room Le Karbone
Video publishers’ screenings of their upcoming releasesScreening room Le Karbone
6:45PM Cocktail - sponsored by ArcadèsMIFC Village
8 PM Market screening
Switzerland, guest country, presents: L’inconnu de Shandigor by Jean-Louis RoyScreening room Le Karbone
9:45-11:AM case study
How do the international actors of the industry embrace and relay the Film Foundation’s initiatives?
Speakers: Margaret Bodde, Executive Director, The Film Foundation ■ Mark Hirzberger-Taylor, CEO, Park Circus ■ Gian Luca Farinelli, Director, Cineteca di Bologna ■ Vincent Paul-Boncour, Co-Founder and Director, Carlotta Films ■ Rosalie Varda, Producer, Ciné Tamaris ■ Cecillia Cenciarelli international project manager, Cineteca di Bologna, co-director of the festival Il Cinema Ritrovato
Moderator: Emmanuelle Spadacenta, Editor, CinemateaserScreening room Le Karbone
11:30AM-12:30PM round table
Archives / Right holders: what history, what relationship, what future?
Speakers: Frédéric Maire, President, Fédération internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF) ■ Lova Hagerfors, Head of Access, rights and distribution, Swedish Film Institute ■ Sandra den Hamer, Director, eye Film Institute, President, ACE (Association of European Cinematheques) ■ Mark Hirzberger-Taylor, CEO, Park Circus ■ Philippe Chevassu, President, Tamasa
Moderator: Jacques Kermabon, Programmer, Archives audiovisuelles de MonacoScreening room Le Karbone
1PM Lunch MIFC Village
2-3:15PM Focus on guest country: switzerland
A plural and dynamic heritage sector
Speakers: Florian Leupin, project manager, Filmo ■ Pierre-Adrian Irlé, project Manager, SRG SSR ■ Marcel Müller, Consulting Film, Programmes & VOD, Swiss films ■ Félix Hächler, Managing Director, Filmcoopi ■ Alfio Di Guardo, Deputy Director, Les Cinémas du Grütli ■ Gérard Ruey, President, Association Alain Tanner ■ Frédéric Maire, Director, Cinémathèque Suisse ■ Daria Voumard, Locarno Pro Industry Manager, Locarno Film Festival
Moderator: Stéphane Gobbo, Head of Culture Section + Le Temps Week-end, Le TempsScreening room Le Karbone
3:30-4:45PM round table
AVOD instructions: what potential for heritage cinema?
Speakers: Hubert Tillier, Director of Legal Affairs, SACD ■ Vincent Grimond, Chairman & CEO, Wild Bunch ■ Gregory Samak, Managing Director, Molotov ■ Pierre Olivier, co-secretary of the SCFP
Moderator: Laurent Cotillon, Executive Director, Le Film françaisScreening room Le Karbone
5-6:30PM workshop - with the relais culture europe
Diversity issues for European players in the classic film industry
Animator: Vincent Soccodato, Head of support to European trans-sectoral activities, Relais Culture Europe, Creative Europe France OfficeMIFC Village
5-8 PM Screening for cinema exhibitors
AFCAE/ADRC programScreening room Le Karbone
6:30PM Cocktail - sponsored by Swiss FilmMIFC Village
8:30PM Market screening
Switzerland, Guest country, presents: Höhenfeuer by Fredi MurerScreening room Le Karbone
9-11AM Screening for cinema exhibitors
AFCAE/ADRC programScreening room Le Karbone
11:15AM-12:30PM Round table
What synergies between institutions and cinemas to promote new releases?
Speakers: Maelle Arnaud, Head of programming and film collections, Institut Lumière ■ Pauline de Raymond, Head of Programming, La Cinémathèque française ■ György Ráduly, Director, National Film Institute Hungary ■ Jean-Fabrice Janaudy, Manager, Cinéma Le Vincennes ■ François Aymé, Director, Cinéma Jean-Eustache, Pessac & President, AFCAE ■ Diane Gabrysiak, Head of Programming and Exhibition, Ciné Lumière, London
Moderator: Sylvain Devarieux, Journalist, Le Film françaisScreening room Le Karbone
1PM Lunch - sponsored by UniverscinéMIFC Village
2-3PM round table
What are the training needs for future professionals in the heritage film industry?
Speakers: Sylvie Fégar, Head of the Audiovisual Heritage Master’s program, INA SUP ■ Jasmin Basic, Coordinator of the Master in Cinema, ECAL/HEAD ■ Annick Teninge, Director, La Poudrière ■ Édouard Treppoz, Professor, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / Director of the Master 2 D2A - Law, economics and administration of the audiovisual industry ■ Grégory Tudella, Lecturer and associate professional, Master 2 - Cinema exhibition, mediation and education, University of Lyon 2
Moderator: Véronique Le Bris, journalistScreening room Le Karbone
3:15-4:30PM Conversation with the CNC
Speakers: Benoît Danard, Director of Studies, Statistics and Forecasting, CNC ■ Laurent Cormier, Director of the Film Heritage Department, CNC ■ Sabrina Joutard, President, Syndicat des cataloguistes ■ Natacha Missoffe, President of the Association «L’Appel des 85» ■ Vincent Florant, Director of digital, CNC
Moderator: Sarah Drouhaud, Journalist, Le Film françaisScreening room Le Karbone
4:45-6:15PM right owners' and distributors' line up - Part 1
Presentations by right owners and distributors of their recent and upcoming releasesScreening room Le Karbone
5-5:30PM Workshop - with INA
Training in film and audiovisual heritage: which models in the world?
Speakers: Christine Braemer, teaching manager ■ Sylvie Fégar, teaching manager of the Audiovisual Heritage Master's programMIFC Village
6:30-9:30PM Screening for cinema exhibitors
AFCAE/ADRC programScreening room Le Karbone
6:30PM Digital Poland Presentation followed by a COCKTAIL BUFFET
Sponsored by Polish Cinema ClassicsMIFC Village
9AM Market screening
Polish Cinema Classics presents: The 1960s – The golden age of Polish animationsScreening room Le Karbone
10AM-1PM right owners' and distributors' line up - Part 2
Presentations by right owners and distributors of their recent and upcoming releasesScreening room Le Karbone
1PM LunchMIFC Village
2-3:15PM Round table
Conservation and restoration: an ecological challenge for tomorrow
Speakers: Julien Tricard, President, médiaClub’Greens ■ Cédric Lejeune, Founder and Media Workflow Specialist, Workflowers ■ Birgit Heidsieck, Editor, Green Film Shootings ■ Dr. Nikolaus Wostry, Executive Manager, Head of Film Library, Filmarchiv Austria
Moderator: Hans-Nikolas Locher, Director of Development, CSTScreening room Le Karbone
3:45-5:15 PM Round table
Between uses and regulations: how to develop access to works?
Speakers: Marion Lingot, Lawyer, Associate, Fiducial Legal by Lamy ■ Karine Disdier-Mikus, Lawyer, Associate, Fiducial Légal by Lamy ■ Alain Le Diberder, Founder, Buzz2buzz ■ Gilles-Marie Tiné, President, Ayeam Films
Moderator: Jérôme Soulet, Head of Catalog, GaumontScreening room Le Karbone
5PM Final DrinkMIFC Village
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